



您是否没有在项目网站上支持桥梁或建筑物的深层基础的文件?你有没有想过你是否可以重复使用现有的深度基础来实现新的结构,或者从改造中携带更多的负载?有多种测试方法可以有助于确定未记录或未知的深度基础的几种特征,例如:估计安装长度,评估完整性和评估承载阻力。我们在Braun Intertec雷竞技好Newbee赞助商的方法采用了对深基础的项目需求和可访问性。在这两部分文章中,我们将讨论...的方法


Mobile Data Collection in Environmental Consulting and AEC: Choosing the Right Platform

Mobile devices are an indispensable fixture of daily life for most people. We manage appointments, communicate, order goods and services, and perform many of life's daily activities through a screen in our hand. We do so because it is usually faster, more efficient, and more secure than other methods. Yet, many critical data collection and site inspection tasks in the environmental and AEC industries still happen with a pen and paper. By now, many of us should be aware of the advantages of collecting data digitally, including: Standardized data recording.Time savings, both during the collection process and by eliminating data...





Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Deadline Approaching Quickly

你可能会认为你有足够的时间,但7月1日将在你知道之前在这里 - 所以现在是时候开始你的Toxics发布库存(三)报告了。TRI是美国环境保护局(EPA)紧急规划和社区正确的知名法案(EPCRA)所需的年度报告。您需要报告if ...您的主要NAICS代码(以前是SIC)是否列出或您是联邦设施;和10个或更多全职​​员工(相当于20,000小时/年);和“制造”,“过程”或“否则使用”部分313化学品超过其报告阈值。如果您的设施见面......


Protecting Employees with Industrial Hygiene

工业卫生Assessments Industrial hygiene is more than just hand washing; it’s the science for evaluating and controlling workplace stressors or contaminants. While hand washing is just one control used to prevent exposure to workplace contaminants, there are many others used to prevent exposures to keep employees safe and healthy. We frequently receive calls from facilities that want to introduce a new chemical to their process. At this point, an employer should assess employee exposures. When new chemicals are introduced into the workplace, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provide the information about the hazards, properties, and handling of the chemical. In many cases,...



We encounter many questions when it comes to air: What might one mean when they say air? Is your air a potential concern for your employees? Is your air a concern for the environment? Are your processes or daily activities at your facility emitting contaminants into the air? Are you emitting too much contamination into the air? Air means many things to many people – it surrounds us all; we need it to survive but it can also make us sick. From an environmental perspective, “air help” can mean vapor encroachment or fence line monitoring. From a permitting and compliance...


Accounting for Soil Consolidation in Your Structural Design

Ever notice cracking in a building facade, or a door sticking in the frame? Or an uneven slab or damage to utilities entering a structure or equipment? Often the guilty culprit is consolidation settlement of the soils supporting the foundation. Realizing the potential for soil consolidation at a site during the design phase of a project can mitigate costly future issues associated with total and differential settlement of a foundation system. Soil Matrix To understand soil consolidation, first we need to recognize the make-up of the soil matrix undergoing volume change. As shown in the figure below, soil is made...


The Innocent Owner Program and Handling Contamination on a Property Caused by an Off-Site Source




Geotechnical Testing

一个简短的讨论geotech的各种类型nical testing, their purpose, and the time frame based on their guiding standards. If you are beginning construction of a building, road, or other structure, you may be wondering how long geotechnical testing will take and if it will cause delays to your initial project timeline. Some projects are straightforward, and an entire geotechnical investigation could be complete in as little as three weeks. While more complex structures or demanding designs may require months to complete an investigation. We will discuss some of the most common geotechnical testing performed and their timelines....
