

By Braun Intertec | May 6, 2020

蒸汽侵入 - 在(或接近)建筑物以下的污染地下水或土壤中出现的结构中存在潜在有毒蒸气的存在 - 可以导致健康问题以及法律暴露。如果您是房地产开发商或住宅,商业或工业业主,并且尚未处理蒸气侵入,您将很快处理您的机会,特别是在城市地区的物业。近年来,环境尽职调查过程的演变和精明的贷款人的要求导致了对蒸汽侵入潜力的认识,在某些情况下,需要减轻实际或潜在的蒸汽侵扰。

Increasingly, vapor intrusion issues are being flagged in Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment reports, essentially during refinancing or property acquisitions. Some States have little regulatory guidance on how to address potential vapor issues, and others have prescriptive protocols to evaluate and address vapor concerns. Developers and builders applying for a financing from most lending institutions are now likely to encounter requirements for due diligence relating to vapor intrusion.




Due Diligence

The most common first step in identifying a potential VI concern is to complete a Phase I ESA, a fairly well-established process that involves looking at the history of the property, previous operations, and the types of chemicals that may have used at the site.

阶段I ESA还包括搜索可能已经在站点或在站点的规定半径内记录的溢出或版本的记录。审查的典型记录是泄漏地下储罐设施的清单,报告的溢出列表以及由于土壤或地下水中的污染物的污染物而进入州的清理程序的属性列表以及最近污染的土壤蒸汽。



许多挥发性有机化合物的仪器被用于工业,但是许多人发现in common household products. For example, benzene and toluene are components of gasoline, which many of us have in our garage for use with a lawn mower. Trichloroethylene, or TCE, is a common cleaning solvent used in industry, but it’s also found in spot removers or other cleaning agents that you might use in your garage or in the laundry room. Perchloroethylene (PCE, or perc) is a dry cleaning solvent; clothes in your home that are fresh from the dry cleaner may have some residues of perc on them. EPA has documented that these chemicals are routinely found in homes and workspaces.



Indoor air sampling is obviously the best method to determine if a VI issue exists, however even this straightforward approach has pitfalls since VOCs can vary dramatically over time based upon a variety of factors. And, data may be skewed by ambient concentrations of household chemicals in the structure as described earlier.


If vapor intrusion is detected in a structure, there are a variety of approaches to address the problem.

In some structures, vapor can enter through a multitude of channels, and a common approach is to try and eliminate those obvious pathways before considering more disruptive techniques. Floor joints, sumps, utility conduits, floor drains, and slab penetrations are all suspect pathways that need to be considered. If sealing of entry points is unsuccessful, the professional can consider several other mitigation approaches that will be very much both site and cost dependent.


随着房地产业变得更加调整到第六次和国家采取指导和规定,蒸气侵犯是对业主,开发商,建设者和贷方的关注。主动管理此问题最好使用一种方法方法来评估来源,迁移和缓解选项。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec专业人员已经解决了蒸汽入侵和设计蒸汽缓解系统超过25年。

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