
明尼苏达大学Main Energy Plant

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Client 明尼苏达大学
明尼苏达大学Main Energy Plant 明尼苏达大学Main Energy Plant 布劳恩品牌图形

In 2012 the University of Minnesota decided to resurrect the Old Main Heating Plant, a steam generating plant constructed in 1912 on the site of a former limestone quarry on the banks of the Mississippi River, into something new and innovative. Over its decades of use, the facility had undergone several renovations to address the growth of the university. However, the Old Main Heating Plant’s latest iteration would be the most impressive: retrofitting an outdated steam plant that once used seven coal and gas-fired boilers to generate steam into an efficient, state-of-the-art, combined heat and power plant. With the installation of a jet engine-driven turbine and a massive heat recovery system, the Main Energy Plant would address the University of Minnesota’s increased demand for power and steam and help the university progress toward its goal of reducing campus emissions by 50 percent by 2020.

Environmental Assessment and Remediation at Old Main

To embark on this energy-efficient expedition, the university first needed to address the hazardous materials inside the main building, the adjoining decommissioned incinerator building and pump houses, and the impacted soils throughout the site. Braun Intertec was retained by the University of Minnesota to help with the assessment of hazardous materials and abatement of the Old Main facility, including the incinerator building. Outside, Braun Intertec worked with the university to prepare the environmental response action plan/construction contingency plan to address the known and unknown impacts throughout the site.

Ultimately, the overall environmental remediation project removed asbestos-containing thermal insulation from the seven boilers and their associated piping; recovered over 500 pounds of liquid mercury from the antiquated heating equipment control panels and other instruments; removed nearly 10,000 square feet of mercury-catalyzed polyurethane flooring; removed lead paint; demolished the former incinerator facility which also contained ash from burned medical waste; demolished two former pump house buildings which also required the recovery of a large volume of fuel oil and landfilled thousands of tons of impacted soils as the site was regraded to support a new access road. Throughout the site grading effort, Braun Intertec was retained to provide the full-time observations as the impacted soils were remediated and other environmental impacts were addressed.


在建设主要能源厂和安装新的同一系统的安装之前,大学及其设计团队需要更好地了解该网站的土壤和地下水条件。作为该项目的岩雷竞技的电竞比分网土工程师,Braun Intertec对网站上过去的评估进行了广泛的历史追查。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商这篇综述导致开发最终的岩土工程,以解决组合的热量和电厂内的新功能以及新的通道道路的建造,这取代了难以导雷竞技的电竞比分网航的交换机和巨大的挡土墙支持密西西比河和采石场创造的石灰石和土壤虚弱。在建筑物内,评价显示,可以使用砂岩基岩的高容量扩散基础的组合,其中需要旧河流通道的浅层浅而深入微观。


一旦岩土科审查完成雷竞技的电竞比分网,该项目进入了旧主体的翻新。在该项目期间浮出水面的许多挑战之一是令人担心的,即1910年时代结构钢可能不可焊接,因为在植物中添加了新的结构钢。幸运的是,布劳恩Inter雷竞技好Newbee赞助商tec刚刚完成了类似的时代结构钢明尼苏达大学的诺斯罗普礼堂改造项目,校园里的另一个历史上很重要的结构。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec最终实现了一个测试计划,知识从俄罗斯州礼堂项目收集到焊接问题。该测试程序发现旧结构钢的化学化妆品与现代焊接技术不兼容。如果暴露在焊接中,旧钢将变脆并失去承载能力。为了保持旧主楼的结构完整性,我们的工程师与设计团队合作,开发出螺栓固定在旧钢制细节的现代板块,以便将新的结构钢添加到内部。

另一个挑战布劳恩Intertec和构雷竞技好Newbee赞助商造ion team faced was the mystery of how the rear wall of the building was poured against the face of the old quarry in 1911. Braun Intertec used concrete coring equipment to core through the concrete walls, which turned out to be up to four-feet thick. Often, a void was found behind the wall. A small camera was inserted into the core hole to videotape the condition of the void and the back of the wall before it was resealed for another 100 years or so.



Energy Efficient Results

2017年完成,主要能源厂预计旧工厂的能效输出, saving the University of Minnesota an estimated $2 million in operating costs each year. The combined heat and power plant will also reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 10 to 13 percent, helping the university achieve its sustainability goals.

该项目已获得若干值得注意的奖项,以实现其非凡成就,包括2017年明尼苏达棕色菲尔德重建环境影响奖;2018年明尼苏达州建设协会的绿色/可持续项目卓越奖;2018年ACEC / Texas Exeressience Expressence Energy Project Gold奖和2018年全国ACEC工程卓越奖项奖项奖项奖。

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