
The Innocent Owner Program and Handling Contamination on a Property Caused by an Off-Site Source

Are you responsible for environmental contamination on your property that was caused by a release from an off-Site property?Do you own a property that has become contaminated by a release from an off-Site source? Or have you encounteredrecognized environmental conditions(RECs) associated with an off-Site source during the due diligence phase of a property acquisition and you are unsure what will be required to address potential contamination? These are common questions property owners and developers may face while trying to redevelop properties that have become contaminated due to hazardous chemicals migrating in soil and/or groundwater onto their property from an off-Site source. Common off-Site sources of contamination include filling stations, dry cleaners, automotive repair shops, and industrial facilities.


为了有资格获得IOP,财产所有者必须向TCEQ展示其财产由于从场外来源的释放而被污染,并且其财产的当前或历史活动没有造成或贡献污染。该过程涉及审查历史信息,以确定现场和周围特性的用途,并完成土壤和地下水调查,以确定该物业是否受到影响。此信息用于开发支持IOC发行的网站调查报告(先生)。该网站调查报告与IOP申请以及1,000美元的费用提交给TCEQ。用于开发现场调查报告的信息通常从阶段I环境现场评估(ESA)和II期调查中获得,重点是表现出污染的数据实际起源,没有现场活动的贡献。如果已经完成了这些报告,Braun Intertec可以使用这些信息来开发网站调查报告。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec完成了众多IOP应用程序,并代表我们在德克萨斯州的客户成功获得了IOC。这不仅使我们的客户能够开发和资助其性质,还避免了昂贵的环境修复。