

作者:雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec | 2020年7月8日

Throughout my career in无损检测咨询随着时间的推移,有一个问题被问得越来越频繁:“我们的手术能改成电脑放射吗?”这个问题有点像问钢琴是怎么工作的。基本功能很容易理解,但实际操作的动作要复杂得多。像钢琴一样,计算机射线照相术有许多运动部件,即使是熟练的使用者也看不见。键盘前的椅子上那些引起人们兴趣的部分。我不是音乐大师,甚至不是一个音乐新手,然而,我可以在计算机射线照相术的许多移动部分的光。



Which Computed Radiography System Do I Choose?

并不是所有的检测设备创建equal. In fact, CR equipment is generally engineered with a specific use in mind. That means the options on CR equipment can vary greatly from brand to brand and model to model. Some are designed with the highest of resolution in mind which makes them perfect for specific jobs but may limit their usefulness in other applications. Other units are engineered for ease of use with minimal training. An idea that makes repeatability simple but can also take away important system settings, limiting its usefulness.

Which system is right for you? That is another simple question with a complicated answer. Only an appropriately qualified NDT consultant can answer that question and only after seeing your operation. High resolution and little technical training sounds like an ideal option, but those don’t exist on just one unit.

Like most things in life, there are trade-offs made from one factor to another. High adjustability options generally mean more training to learn their uses. Little adjustability may mean less training for technicians, but also puts a limit on usefulness. Likewise, portability generally puts limits on the equipment’s physical size, potentially limiting the size of images produced. Equipment selection depends on many factors, all of which play a small, but noticeable part. Choosing the wrong CR scanner could mean the difference between an effective operation and a six-figure paper weight.

Technicians Need Proper Training in Computed Radiography Systems



As a result of this unstructured system, some technicians have gotten to the point of frustration where they tell the client that CR just can’t be done. When in reality, if they had the proper training, CR could have been implemented. This gap in program structure leaves more and more fabricators, constructors, foundries, and other manufacturers behind the curve with CR. While the industry takes off in a new direction, those service providers are leaving their clients with old techniques that are becoming antiquated.


咨询可以是一个良好的CR项目的良好开端,但我的许多读者聘请了一家服务提供商,如Braun Intertec,来管理他们的NDT。在这种情况下,一点小小的研究可以大有帮助。如果您按照某个代码构建设备,它将指定NDT要雷竞技好Newbee赞助商求或为您提供另一个NDT代码。它可能需要几个步骤,但是您会发现认证、CR系统鉴定和系统维护的所有要求。任何已经运行NDT程序的人只需要研究你应该已经知道的文件。无论您是客户还是无损检测服务提供商,我们都有责任为客户和最终用户提供符合要求的产品。少一点是不能接受的。


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