
Employee-Owner Spotlight: Meet Kevin Nicoletta

Kevin Nicoletta Project Engineer

Kevin Nicoletta: Dallas Project Engineer

Kevin Nicoletta是一名项目工程师,他在德克萨斯州达拉斯的办公室里工作。我们与他坐下来谈话,以了解更多关于他的背景,专业角色和成为Braun Intertec员工的道路。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

What is your role at Braun Intertec and what do you specialize in?
I’m a project engineer andconstruction materials testing(CMT)项目经理。我处理与CMT项目的日常运营以及一些岩土报告工作。雷竞技的电竞比分网我还在提案和一些业务发展中做了一些工作,但我做了一些与CMT有关的一切,特别是在项目管理方面。

How did you become interested in engineering?


I like to help people in the construction and infrastructure industry. When the construction of a project begins clients or technicians call me with questions, I like being the person that provides solutions. I strive to be a good manager and enjoy the interaction with both clients and technicians.

What traits do you have that help you in your role?
I’m very organized which is important because this work keeps me busy. Right now, I’m managing a lot of projects, so it would be easy to get them confused if I wasn’t this organized. Another skill that is useful is the ability to be proactive. If I become aware of an issue, I’m the first to pick up the phone to call a client and let them know what’s going on, which they appreciate.


I mostly do work with school districts and cities and I like the large-scale school district projects the most. It’s rewarding to see a building I worked on being used in people’s everyday life. I like driving down the road, seeing a completed project and knowing I was part of making that happen.

What advice would you give a young engineer who is just starting out in their career?
It’s important to explore different paths that seem interesting for you. At one point in my career, I left CMT and geotechnical engineering to try something new. I ended up not liking it, so I went back, but if I never explored that option I would never know. Secondly, I’d emphasize the importance of networking. When people know you, they’re more likely to trust you and believe that you’re credible. A good way to do this is by connecting with people you work on projects with. Another way is by joining professional societies. I’m an officer in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and I’ve met a lot of people by going to those meetings.

What kinds of things do you like to do outside of work?
One hobby I enjoy outside of work is woodworking; I use a lot of the skills I developed as an engineer to problem solve and figure out the correct measurements and angles to make a piece work. Another hobby I have that surprises people is that I play competitive paintball. My team practices on the weekends and I’ve traveled to tournaments in Las Vegas, Chicago and Florida.