
[OnDemand Webinar] Federal Environmental Policy Update: Upcoming Regulatory Changes



For each of the following topics, we will discuss how industry, development, and redevelopment of real estate may be affected:

  • Proposed executive branch initiative for one federal decision which would integrate environmental permitting and NEPA review
  • Proposed limits to NEPA document length and review deadlines
  • Revised NEPA regulations from the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
  • Proposed changes under the CWA, including a proposal from the US Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Waters of the US rule. This proposal would alter the definition of protected water bodies and wetlands and will have implications for industry and development nationwide.
  • Potential changes to the CWA include a case presented to the US Supreme Court which may extend jurisdiction of the CWA to groundwater
  • Proposed changes to how threatened and endangered species and critical habitat are designated under the ESA.

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Daniel DeJoode Headshot

Daniel R. DeJoode, PH.D.
Senior Scientist

Dr. DeJoode is an ecologist with over 25 years of environmental impact assessment experience. He has recognized expertise in natural science and a solid understanding of environmental regulations and permitting from project work across the country. He is well versed in permitting for impacts to wetlands, public waters, and endangered species as required by federal and state statutes.

Jen Wolff Headshot

Jennifer Wolff, PG
Senior Scientist

As a Senior Scientist, Jenn has extensive experience in managing disaster relief environmental projects, contamination investigations and remediation.

Daniel Dejoode,Ph.D.Senior Scientist

P: 952.995.2459