
领导占Andy Adams:副总裁兼首席科学家


We recently spoke with Andy Adams to learn more about his new role as Vice President and Principal Scientist. We asked him about his background, what he enjoys about working at Braun Intertec and his new role, and his advice for those just starting their career.

您在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

我有两个科学学位。我有我的Bachelor of Science in environmental studies from the University of Kansas, then I have a Master of Science in environmental chemistry from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. I also received an MBA from the University of Houston – Downtown which makes me somewhat unique to consulting.

自整理学校以来,我一直在一份工作:W&M环境,现在是Braun Intertec的一个部门16年。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商我开始作为“首席瓶子洗衣机”,并致力于副总统,做到这两种工作。我已经在某种程度上工作了我们公司的大部分工作。当涉及到援助环境科学家和项目的项目顾问时,这是宝贵的。

我想拯救世界!在很多方面,我仍然这样做。我喜欢帮助能源和工业公司弄清楚如何做到这一点 - 如果我可以帮助他们比其他人更有效,那就太好了。我的工作是非常娱乐的。

What is your favorite aspect of your role or the most rewarding part of what you do at Braun Intertec?

你最喜欢的Braun Intertec是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商你觉得它是独一无二的吗?

我们提供了哪些技术特色/服务,您认为您认为来自其他公司雷电竞首页的Braun Intertec差异化?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商


What is your approach to client problem-solving?
They have problems and we must have answers, multiple answers to fit their needs. We need to think through them. The biggest piece of thinking through answers is going to be conversation. I may have 100 different answers to a question, but the solution comes down to the client’s risk level and risk tolerance. We often forget that just because something is the most efficient answer, doesn’t mean it’s the best. Clients have different motivators. We need to understand those before we give our answer.

Do the right thing. Get it done. Take ownership. Go the extra mile. Be a self-starter. Those are cliché, but they’re true. If I can get those five things in somebody, we can shape them into a good consultant. They don’t even need to be too technical. We can always work on that! If they care and want to go to work, we can make a lot happen here.

What should new Braun Intertec employees know about working here? What piece of advice would you give them?
Consulting is a unique profession, especially at Braun Intertec because you have interesting clients with complex problems. When you work here, you need to be able to step outside of the box. You do different things every day, you’re challenged every day. Be the person that will seize the day!

What are some of your hobbies, or things you like to do outside of work?
我是一个工作狂,但我喜欢这滩是否在德克萨斯州或佛罗里达州。我的妻子,女儿也喜欢篮球。我们玩,我教练,我们看了很多 - 这很棒,与我的全家人相结合。而且,我是一个芝加哥幼崽成瘾者,所以我每次都有我得到的机会。