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GREGG KRUSE的领导力聚光灯:副总裁

我们最近与Gregg Kruse发言,以了解他作为副总统的新角色。我们向他询问了他的背景,他喜欢在他的新角色在布劳恩Intertec工作的内容,以及他对刚开始职业生涯的建议。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

您在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商
我是副总统,目前领导我们的业务支持服务(OSS)集团,为Braun Intertec的工程和测试,环境咨询和技术服务提供财务管理服雷电竞首页务。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

I also support operations for our环境咨询group across all geographies. This group has experienced historic growth over the past five years throughout many areas including, investigation and remediation, permitting and compliance, natural resources, industrial hygiene and safety. I work closely withNic Andreani.蒂姆伦威, who lead our Environmental Consulting practice.

我在Braun Intertec的职业生涯中作雷竞技好Newbee赞助商为一个少年,从而从削减草地上,最终在材料实验室工作,作为钻井助手,并在建筑材料测试领域。在赚取商业管理中的艺术学士学位之后,我被留下了Braun Intertec,以帮助Fledgling环境咨询练习。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商我在过去的30年里,我对过去的过去和当前领导者的融合也有明显的乐趣。


What is your favorite aspect of your role or the most rewarding part of what you do at Braun Intertec?
我最喜欢的方面正在Braun Intertec的各个团队的成功中扮演了一部分。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商我享受我们不同客户和员工业主的挑战和开发解决方案。然后,在这里工作的伟大人民和持续各种咨询,而且你有理想的角色。这家公司从来没有一个沉闷的时刻,有一天我正在与一个项目团队合作,在一个复杂的环境修复网站上,第二天我正在帮助整合一个新的业务部门。

What is your favorite thing about working at Braun Intertec? What do you feel makes it unique?
首先是人民或文化?显然,当你有一群人具有常见价值观和致力于提供优质服务的人时,您将找到一个伟大的文化。毫无疑问,我最喜欢在布劳恩intertec工作的事情。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商该组织的独特方面来自团队的成员。我们一直专注于服务和奉献给客户。在许多公司中,那种服务水平需要很大的个人牺牲。然而,在Braun In雷竞技好Newbee赞助商tertec,该团队在这些努力中支持您,并在需要时挑选您,因此您可以灵活地与家人共度时光,并追求带给您喜悦的其他东西。

What technical specialty/service(s) do we offer that you feel differentiates Braun Intertec from other firms?
我们有咨询和测试服务的免费组合,这些服务与其他公司区分开来。雷电竞首页结合不同的学科,如环保咨询,岩土工程,结构评估和建设科学可能具有挑战性,可以作为一个凝聚力的团队交付。雷竞技的电竞比分网在Br雷竞技好Newbee赞助商aun Intertec,我们的客户服务经理监督这些服务提供,重点质量使我们能够很好地完成。雷电竞首页我们的客户认识到这一点,它是他们继续在其项目团队中纳入其中的原因之一。

What is your approach to client problem-solving?
经常顾问认为他们知道the solution before fully understanding the problem. I believe the best approach is to listen to the client and see the problem from their perspective, ask the right questions to better understand the issues and their big picture, and then bring in a qualified team to develop creative, cost-effective solutions to their problems. Throughout the process, we need to communicate with our clients and oftentimes educate them so they are part of the solution. Many of our best client relationships were born out of a problem-solving event.

I am looking for team members who match the culture of Braun Intertec, have a drive for results, client focus, ethics, values, integrity and trust. I also look for individuals with a service mentality who want to be part of a winning team and demonstrate the ability to communicate and develop relationships both internally and externally. We are looking for critical thinkers with the aptitude to translate those thoughts into quality writing. If they have these traits or the capability to develop them, we want them on the team — we can teach the rest.

Come with an open mind and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. It’s important to spend some time in the trenches to fully understand what we do and how we do it. Be a sponge. Soak up everything you can. Find a mentor or two. Ask questions. Know what you don’t know. Volunteer. Take on challenging projects. Don’t be afraid to fail. Try to see the big picture. Make safety a priority.

What are some of your hobbies or interests you like to do outside of work?