
迎接团队:La Porte办公室聚光灯

About Our Team

拥有30多名工程师,技术人员和科学家,我们的La Porte,德克萨斯州办事处于2019年5月首次开业,目前提供了岩土工程,建筑材料测试和非破坏性检查服务。雷竞技的电竞比分网雷电竞首页我们与La Porte运营经理,Kevin Williams坐下来讨论我们的La Porte办公室可以为墨西哥湾海岸提供的客户提供的服务和专业知识,其中包括与该地区雷电竞首页其他工程公司的团队相比,以及我们参与的社区。

Why did we open an office in this area?
La Porte酒店位于石油和天然气工业中心,距离休斯顿港仅几英里。桥梁,港口和其他基础设施领域有很多扩展,所有这些都是连接到我们所做的。与Brau雷竞技好Newbee赞助商n Intertec最初位于德克萨斯城,我们发现我们的大部分客户和工作都集中在我们30分钟内,我们认为这是一个独特的机会,可以更好地为客户提供服务。What’s great is that we still have an open and operating office in Texas City so we can continue to provide the same level of service to our clients in Galveston, as well as the Texas City Independent School District (ISD) and other municipalities in the area.

What range of services are offered?
In addition to our standard construction materials testing services (which includes soil, concrete and asphalt testing), we also provide construction inspection services where we operate as quality control for the contractor. Then, of course, we’re a full-service geotechnical engineering firm, which includes deep foundation services. There is a lot of opportunity for us to help clients with piling and things related to design work. We also have nondestructive testing services, where we provide radiography testing, dye penetrant testing, structural steel testing and much more.

We do a little bit of everything, which is great because it allows us to work on a variety of projects. We’re currently working with a lot of local municipalities and government entities. We also have projects with local ISDs, notably the three elementary schools that just started construction in德克萨斯城ISD。该地区的学校在Hurricane Harvey遭到破坏,因此我们很高兴能够在每个小学工作。

德克萨斯城ISDgroundbreaking ceremony
德克萨斯城ISD突破性仪式的La Porte团队成员

We also work in the oil and gas and commercial sectors. Oil and gas projects can be anything from the multi-million-dollar BCEP Exxon Mobil job we’re working on right now, where we served as the geotechnical engineer and are currently testing all the soils and concrete, to much smaller projects where we might just be testing the soils. On the commercial side, the projects can range from small oil stations to an office building or a parking lot. We’ve also performed services on projects with Union Pacific, Marathon, NASA, Lone Star, Enterprise, Phillips 66, BASF and many others working with the owners or for the contractors performing the work on these sites.


What makes the La Porte team unique?
Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and different parts of the world, and we also have several veterans on staff. I think all of this makes for an interesting and diverse place to work. One week I might bring in Texas barbeque to share with the team, and then the next week Amal, one of our Senior Engineers, will bring in a big spread of Indian food to share. It’s great to be able to learn about our employees’ different ways of life and culture.

我们不断寻找融合我们不同的服务线并利用其他办公地点的专业知识。我们相信这有助于将我们与该地区的其他公司分开。许多La Porte地区公司可以提供岩土工程和建筑材料,但是还有许多人还提雷竞技的电竞比分网供非破坏性测试,检查服务或建筑科学咨询。雷电竞首页

We also haveW&M环境,Braun Intertec的一个部门雷竞技好Newbee赞助商, (our Texas-based environmental consulting division) that provides a lot of services most companies would need another contractor do, so it gives us a unique opportunity to better serve our clients and offer a complete package of services.

什么将Braun I雷竞技好Newbee赞助商ntertec与La Porte地区的其他公司集合?
我们如何快速回复我们的客户。我们的文化侧重于立即回应客户,帮助他们与合适的人取得联系。关于在Braun Intertec工作的伟大事物之一是我们可以一起拉的资源和专业知雷竞技好Newbee赞助商识,以帮助我们的客户,并为他们提供牢固的建议和咨询。

La Porte办公室,实验室设备等有任何升级还是改进?

La Porte, TX Laboratory
La Porte, TX Materials Laboratory

What is on the horizon for La Porte and this office?
There are a lot of exciting things happening in the oil and gas industry right now. There are several new liquid natural gas (LNG) plants on the Gulf Coast kicking off soon, as well as tank storage/terminal development. There are a lot of opportunities for Braun Intertec to serve as a full-service firm for these types of projects and offer service lines from our other offices in Texas, such as environmental consulting services.

Community and Team Engagement

Are there any programs, events, volunteer activities the office staff has recently been involved with?
阿初f the school year one of our clients had a “Stuff the Bus” event, which we donated some money to, but we also had our employees bring in school supplies and put them in a donation box in the front of the office. Once they get all the donations they literally stuff a bus with all the school supplies and then give them to the local schools in Texas City ISD. That’s just a recent example, but we get involved with various fundraisers for local ISD’s and municipalities throughout the year.

What kind of activities does the staff do together?

Contact the La Porte Team

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