
Orlando Boscan Joins Braun Intertec in Austin, Texas as a Senior Engineer


明尼苏达州,明尼苏达州 -November 20, 2019

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec是一个基于明尼阿波利斯的工程,咨询和测试公司,与整个美国的办事处,很高兴地宣布奥兰多Boscan加入了德克萨斯州德克萨斯州德克萨斯州的高级工程师。Boscan拥有17年的岩土工程和建筑材料测试项目的经验。雷竞技的电竞比分网作为奥斯汀办事处的高级工程师,BOSCAN将领导岩土工程和材料检测学科和导师初级岩土工程员工的发展。雷竞技的电竞比分网

“I’m delighted Orlando has joined our growing team of employee-owners,” says Braun Intertec CEO, Jon Carlson. “His impressive background will strengthen our geotechnical engineering practice in Austin and our delivery of quality service to our clients across southern Texas.”

Prior to joining Braun Intertec, Boscan coordinated and managed domestic and international geotechnical investigations for the oil and gas, industrial and commercial sectors. His expertise in field quality assurance and quality control took him across the globe where he consulted for onshore/near-shore projects in Africa, Europe, North America and South America. This expertise also took him to the Gulf of Mexico where he collaborated with a marine group for offshore geotechnical projects. Boscan also has significant experience performing geotechnical investigations for the industrial, commercial (light/heavy), K-12 and government sectors.

With offices in 16 communitiesacross Texas, Braun Intertec also provides a wide range of specialty services which include: deep foundation design and testing, building sciences, nondestructive examinations, structures evaluations and forensic investigations, drilling and cone penetration testing (CPT), geospatial and unmanned aerial vehicle services.

Based in Minneapolis, employee-owned Braun Intertec (www.www.cnsamit.com) is a premier engineering, environmental consulting and testing firm with more than 1,000 employees located in Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Braun Intertec also owns Agile Frameworks, LLC, a subsidiary of Braun Intertec based in Minneapolis and W&M Environmental, a division of Braun Intertec based in Allen, TX.
