

It’s amazing what you can find when you start digging in the dirt. On the surface of parking lots and greenspaces, there’s usually little evidence to suggest that anything is amiss. But hidden deep within the subsurface you’ll often find residual contamination from buried structures, storage tanks, or previous site activities. Finding this out during construction or redevelopment can quickly lead to costly delays, worker safety concerns, as well as additional management and disposal fees that were not included in the initial budget. Similar to geotechnical investigations, it’s important to conduct appropriate environmental due diligence activities prior to construction. Due diligence can be invaluable in identifying potential site concerns early on and allows changes to be made accordingly during the design stage.

Due Diligence Investigations

Due diligence可以通过进行I期环境现场评估,包括审查物业的历史记录。该审查评估了剩余污染或掩埋结构在地下存在的可能性。除了影响拟议的发展或未来的现场使用外,这些问题还可以在建设期间对工人提出化学或身体危害。在许多情况下,在收集环境样品中有一个有益,以确认残留的污染水平或利用像地面穿透雷达这样的工具来确定掩埋结构的程度。

Due Diligence Recommendations

If environmental concerns are verified, environmental consultants can provide guidance and recommend options to address these concerns during project design and satisfy environmental compliance. Planning assistance can include coordination with regulatory agencies to get buy-in on the proposed reuse plans, identifying and getting approval for disposal or recycling facilities to receive impacted soil or debris, and assembling bid documents to confirm contractors have the necessary information to accurately bid the work. During construction, onsite technical support can assist in economically segregating materials for either onsite reuse or proper off-site disposal; confirm that construction activities are conducted in a manner that protects the owner, workers, and adjacent public; prepare summaries of construction activities for submittal to regulatory authorities and maintain compliance with environmental regulations.

无论是识别和解决初步尽职调查或通过确认和设计建议的关注,布劳恩Intertec的环境顾问无缝地与我们的岩土,无损检查和建筑材料测试服务团队一起工作。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商雷竞技的电竞比分网雷电竞首页这些现场技术专家可以监督推荐的解决方案,并在满足您的项目需求方面提供凝聚力支持。获取更多资讯,请联系Joshua Kadrmas.

了解更多在这个topic by watching our on-demand webinar titledWhat Lies Beneath: Environmental Concerns in Construction.

Joshua KadrmasProject Engineer, PE

P: 701.730.2302