
雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec Covid-19准备更新


I want to update you on the steps we are taking to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our priority will always be the health and safety of our employee owners, clients, and the communities in which we live and work. We will continue to monitor and assess this rapidly evolving situation and take additional action, as warranted.


  1. 支持客户和员工的健康和安全
    • 我们正在密切监测疾病控制和预防(CDC),联邦监管机构和国家政府机构的中心,以便在相应地了解新的发展,并根据我们的安全和卫生程序调整。我们鼓励所有员工按照CDC推荐练习安全的卫生和社会脱节措施。
    • Our employees are prepared to work safely, whether from home, in the field, in our laboratories, or at client worksites. We will be proactive in communications with our clients to understand how we may need to adjust our routines to adhere to their specific precautionary measures.
  2. Delivering for our clients
    • Our technology and information systems are designed to allow most of our workforce to work from virtually anywhere. Our employees are equipped to work where needed to get work done. We are bolstering those systems to provide additional capacity and reliability in this time of growing demand.
    • 我们在每个服务线路都有深度,我们将继续向客户提供他们期望的服务水平。
    • Please let us know of any additional ways in which we may support you during this difficult time.
  3. Managing our business
    • 我们创建了一个跨职能的团队,监控这种发展状况,并为员工,客户和社区的福祉提出高级领导的建议。
    • We are reviewing and adapting our business continuity plans for our operations and preparing to implement new procedures, as necessary.
    • We are evaluating our supply chains and are prepared to make adjustments, as necessary.


谢谢你持续的支持与合作. It is in times like these we are reminded that we work with amazing, thoughtful clients, teaming partners, and employees. We live in tremendously resilient communities, and I am confident our best path through this, is the one we will find together.


Jon Carlson,PG,CHMM
CEO, Braun Intertec