

By Sean Swartz, PE – February 23, 2021

We are kicking off our celebration of National Engineers Week 2021 with a message from Sean Swartz, our Senior Vice President, in charge of our Engineering and Testing group sharing some tips for anyone pursuing a career as a consulting engineer. We will be celebrating National Engineers Week all week so watch this blog for more content as we spotlight a couple of our exceptional engineering team members.

It’s National Engineers Week 2021! At Braun Intertec, we are proud to be a leader within our engineering community, and we consider ourselves blessed to be fostering the careers of more than 200 geotechnical, environmental, structural, and mechanical engineers across our footprint. We give thanks to our engineers for the contributions they make to our clients and to our communities every day.

For anyone pursuing a career in engineering, here are three of my tips for finding your path:


2.Focus on Building Relationships.人们希望与他们相信的人一起工作,以及建立信任的最佳方式是通过关系。作为一名咨询工程师,您未来的成功将取决于您建立关系的能力:与您的客户在您所属的组织内与您的联合工人在您所属的组织内与您的客户建立关系的能力。当然,拥有稳固的工程技能和能力是咨询工程中的基线要求,尽管您建立了将您与他人分开的关系的能力是您的能力。不幸的是,在学校,没有必要的课程教导我们如何建立这些重要的关系。最好通过模仿生活中的人或您的公司确实很好地提供服务,并放心有无数的书籍和研讨会。

3.开放新的机会.When you get the chance to learn something new, to work on a project that is a bit out of the ordinary, to take on a new role (even if only temporary), or to otherwise stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone – say YES! Your career will be made up of a multitude of experiences, the more the better. Through each new experience you may find success or you may find failure; you may find enjoyment or you may find discomfort. Regardless of the outcome, you will have learned something new and have gained a perspective that you didn’t have before you said YES. It’s that new perspective that’s going to make you a better engineer, make you more valuable to your employer, and be a better teacher and leader to our next generation of engineers. Be curious and never stop learning.

在布劳雷竞技好Newbee赞助商恩Intertec,我们是一家不断增长的多学科工程公司,不断为我们每个地点的新工程师提供机会 - 我们将永远聘请伟大的人。在文化上,我们重视强烈的所有权,作为100%员工拥有的公司,我们重视服务心态,强大的职业道德,强大的人际交往技能以及渴望获得乐趣的人。我们为我们在行业内60多年建立的信任和关系来骄傲,这是我们文化核心的人,这使我们成为伟大的关系。如果您正在寻找一个令人兴奋的学习机会和与一个有趣的团队建立关系,我鼓励您访问我们的Careers page并联系我们招聘团队。

To all the engineers out there: Thank you for all that you do. Cheers to you!