


Note: This post was updated on July 2, 2020.

目前,有关Covid-19案件的传播和处理,社会疏散,检疫措施等的信息丰富。了解Covid-19非常重要,并知道在哪里找到最可靠的信息,以保证您,您的员工和您的业务安全,富有成效,并告知最近的信息。疾病控制和预防的中心(CDC)被广泛认为是美国和世界卫生组织的最重要权威(WHO)是所有疾病和疫情的国际领导者。从工作场所安全视角,职业安全和健康管理局(OSHA)总是有员工的想法。CDC,WHO和OSHA不断更新他们的CoVID-19特定的页面,以反映实时数据,并提供最新的建议和指导。我们不建议 - 与他们可能的意图一样 - 在Facebook上生锈或您的伟大阿姨在Instagram上的唯一信息是您的唯一信息来源。

为Covid-19 Pandemic做好商业或设施的最重要的事情之一是为您的员工培养您的员工,如何传播,以及如何防止或限制疾病的传播。了解疾病的特征并承认,如果赋予机会,它可以关闭您的设施或办公室,有助于获得员工参与限制其覆盖范围。

To protect, educate, and prepare its employees, Braun Intertec formed a COVID-19 Task Force Committee to digest the information from the resources above and create company policies and protocols. A well-developed plan is essential in limiting exposure and spread through your organization. The Committee quickly responded and developed strategies, procedures, and informationals to distribute to our employees and is continuing to convene as the situation has evolved. Persistence, diligence, and a side of flexibility are all going to be required to calm the storm.

我们都会知道有人感染的人 - 19。布劳恩作为一家公司正在制定“当”,而不是“如果”的假设下。这不是一个“如果”我们会受到影响的问题,这是“当”当我们将受到影响的问题,并“当”当发生“时,我们希望准备好。




Engineering and administrative controls are more effective than personal protective equipment, PPE [who wants to type in nitrile gloves and a respirator?]. These controls can include: installing high efficiency air filters, increasing air exchanges, installing physical barriers, encouraging sick workers to stay/work from home, minimizing group meetings or social events, allowing alternative work schedules, implementing COVID-19 job hazard analysis (JHA) and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) considerations, discontinuing non-essential travel, or establishing contractor and visitor protocols. However, it is also important to remember that it is the responsibility of the employer to provide appropriate PPE to its employees while they are performing responsibilities that may expose them to COVID-19. A well thought out plan serves as a roadmap to employee health and safety.

Best safety practices such as disinfecting your workplace should be completed routinely (as frequently as daily) to control the spread of any disease. This practice is more important now than ever. The American Chemistry Council has made a guide,How to Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces,可免费下载。在用擦拭巾,喷雾剂和漂白剂或醇溶液消毒之前,用肥皂或洗涤剂用肥皂或洗涤剂消毒。诸如地毯,椅子,窗帘/窗帘和办公家具等软表面可以用肥皂和水溶液和消毒剂喷雾刮擦可见污染物和消毒。如果您想知道哪些消毒剂是对新型冠状病毒最有效的,则以下资源可能会有所帮助:Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2。与监禁人员分享您的计划,并促进良好的沟通,上下指挥链。

消毒一个已知或疑似Covid-19案例的区域可以最好地留给专业人员。OSHA表示在大多数情况下(除非感染的员工留下血液或其他身体流体),在消毒该地区时没有需要进行特殊考虑因素。然而,确定是否存在感染的身体流体是困难的,并且专业消毒公司可能能够更有效地剥离该地区,而不是在内部进行消毒。医疗保健和死亡人员(Yikes,一个词)设施不被视为平均曝光潜力的平均工作场所,并且应该以不同的方式对待。因为新型冠状病毒可以通过可悬浮在空气中的可吸入液滴来扩散,所以最好将在进入消毒前至少24小时与潜在感染的区域隔离,以便悬浮液滴下降并在表面上干燥。重要的考虑 - 雇用专业消毒团队的另一个原因 - 是为了处理血液或体液,员工必须采取OSHA血腥的病原体训练(29 CFR 1910.1030) and potentially the PPE (29 CFR 1910 Subpart I)和危险沟通(29 CFR 1910.1200.) standards. An additional benefit to contracting a disinfection specialist company is that they can handle and dispose of the decontamination waste in accordance with Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) and Department of Transportation (DOT) rules.




Since we posted our first COVID-19 guidance for the workplace in March, much of the country has been in and out of stay-at-home orders, non-essential businesses have been through a revolving door of opening and closing, and the use of face coverings has become a political divider. We still do not know all the answers, we do not exactly know what the numbers mean, we do not exactly know how long the virus will survive on a surface, and we still don’t know when this pandemic is going to be under control.

But we do know, and Heraclitus of Ephesus said it best, “The only constant in life is change”. In these unusual times, we know that it requires persistence, diligence, and patience to stop the spread of COVID-19. The number of positive tests is rapidly growing across the nation and it is becoming evident that the worst COVID-19 is not projected to end soon. If you have not already established a written Re-opening Plan and/or Disinfection and Cleaning Plan for your facility, now is a very good time to consider doing so. Aside from the CDC and WHO, private professional groups such as the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), and many others have published guidance and recommendations. The good news is that most of the recommendations have remained relatively consistent.

What we do know is that cooperation from everyone is necessary for us to come out of the pandemic on the other side. The basics are still the same:

  1. 练习社会疏远(在彼此之间保持6英尺)。
  2. 戴脸覆盖物。
  3. 经常洗手,肥皂和温水至少20秒。
  4. 消毒常见的触摸点经常使用EPA N列出的消毒剂每日消毒工作空间(办公室/小单位),并遵守特定产品的停留时间。
  5. 如果可能,鼓励您的员工在家中工作;或最大限度地减少办公室中的员工人数,并最大限度地提高它们之间的空间。
  6. 尽可能介绍户外(清洁)空气,并适当地通风您的工作空间。

While we are in this semi-reopened state of the economy, this is an excellent time to implement a written plan. We can help you wade through and consolidate the recommendations for safe re-opening or continued operations at your facility to help minimize the potential for spread. If you have concerns about certain areas or have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 at your facility, we can also perform sampling activities to help you determine if your disinfection activities have adequately disinfected that area.


Please visit this文章, for more information on COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection plans.


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