USACE-validated and AASHTO-accredited Geotechnical and CMT Laboratories in Louisiana


雷竞技好Newbee赞助商布劳恩Intertec苏自豪地提供我们的客户lphur, Lafayette and Baton Rouge, Louisiana full-service local soils, aggregate, concrete and masonry materials laboratories. Our laboratories and licensed engineering staff serve the Acadiana, southwest and central Louisiana, and Baton Rouge metropolitan area. What sets Braun Intertec apart from other local Louisiana materials laboratories is our licensed engineers’ hands-on approach to the laboratory work on their projects. From the initial field exploration to the issuance of engineering reports or materials analysis, our employee-owners work closely together to deliver best-in-class service to clients on every project. “We are always back in the...


Sulfate and Chloride Soil Corrosivity Testing Services in Texas and Beyond

德克萨斯雷竞技好Newbee赞助商州拉波特的Braun Intertec材料实验室已经建立了一套氯离子和硫酸盐离子腐蚀性试验,土壤和混凝土的PH值和电阻率试验,快速试验周期通常在48小时内。土壤腐蚀性试验腐蚀性试验通常是在项目施工前阶段进行的一系列岩土性质试验的一部分,或者是为了说明地面石油储罐、重要结构或管道所需的腐蚀控制措施。除了PH值和电阻率测试,附加的腐蚀性测试能力遵循ASTM指南。。。雷竞技的电竞比分网


Employee-Owner Spotlight: Thomas Dunnam, Materials Lab Manager, La Porte, Texas

今年春天,我们会见了德克萨斯州拉波特的材料实验室经理Thomas Dunnam,讨论了他的新角色,他如何建立实验室,包括特殊的硫酸盐和氯化物土壤测试,以及作为一名员工所有者对他意味着什么。你在博朗国际贸易公司担任拉波特材料实验室经理多久了?我从2019年5月就来了。在此之前,我在拉波特地区的材料实验室工作了近五年。你的背景是什么?我在2011年获得了德克萨斯理工大学化学学士学位,然后我继续。。。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商


Meet the Team: Houston Office Spotlight



Employee-Owner Spotlight: Meet Rosalie Balderaz

罗莎莉·巴尔德拉兹:休斯顿材料实验室协调员我们和罗莎莉·巴尔德拉兹坐了下来,罗莎莉·巴尔德拉兹是我们德克萨斯州休斯顿办事处的材料实验室协调员。我们采访了她,以了解她作为博朗国际贸易公司员工的专业背景、角色和经验。你在博朗国际贸易公司的角色是什么?你在这里工作多久了?两年前,我开始在Braun Intertec担任三级岩土实验室技术员,最近我被提升为材料实验室协调员,这意味着我基本上是在管理岩土实验室。目前,我正在学习如何做专业。。。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商雷竞技的电竞比分网


New, Custom-Built Mobile Materials Laboratory at Braun Intertec

Mobile Materials Laboratory



Meet Our Geotechnical Engineers and Construction Materials Testing Consultants in Arlington, Texas

Who We Are Home to approximately 25 geotechnical engineers and construction materials testing consultants in Arlington, Texas, our local team members offer a wide range of services to our clients. Arlington’s primary service categories include: Geotechnical engineering Construction materials testing Nondestructive testing Unmanned aerial systems Cone penetration testing Environmental consulting Drilling Currently, our Arlington office’s largest and most high-profile project is the new Texas Rangers Stadium, for which we are proud to provide construction materials testing and structural steel inspections. In addition, Arlington’s talented team has also worked on projects for the University of North Texas, City of Rockville, Fort...


NASA Launches InSight Mars Lander


Over the weekend NASA launched the Mars lander InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This lander will be the first space robotic explorer to conduct an in-depth study on Mars’ crust, mantle and core. The Braun Intertec team was fortunate to play a role in the initial phases of this mission’s development which lands on Mars Nov. 26, 2018. In preparation for this launch, Braun Intertec provided soil and aggregate testing for NASA as they tested the InSight lander’s equipment designed for this mission. NASA wanted to...



houston materials laboratory

