[OnDemand Webinar] What Lies Beneath: Environmental Concerns In Construction

Subsurface Investigations

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? While replacing municipal utilities the excavation contractor pulls up a greenish-gray bucket of soil smelling like diesel fuel. During construction of a new downtown office building on an existing parking lot, it was discovered that the previous building had simply been knocked-down and buried beneath the pavement. Redevelopment of a blighted property is all set to go, as soon as the abandoned buildings can be safely torn down and properly disposed of. Historical activities that occurred on or adjacent to a property often leave hidden contamination or buried debris in the subsurface. Sometimes...

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[OnDemand Webinar] Introduction to Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Geotechnical Engineer

With our infrastructure deteriorating and limited financing available, public owners look to levy the private sector for aid in the financing of our public projects. What does this mean to you and the construction industry as a whole? Learn the basics of Design Build Finance Operate Maintain (DBFOM) and Public Private Partnerships by viewing our recorded webinar....

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