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空气对很多人来说意味着许多事情 - 它围绕着我们所有人;我们需要它生存,但它也可以让我们生病。从环境视角,“空中有助于”可以意味着蒸汽侵蚀或围栏​​线监测。从允许和合规性的角度来看,空中有助于通过规则(PBR - 许可证在德克萨斯州的PBR)作为声明许可证的次要信息,以向注册所需的PBR到新的源评论(NSR)许可证,到一个完整的冠军诉v许可证。从安全或工业卫生角度来看,空中有助于围绕员工暴露于室内空气质量,个人监控,限制空间气氛监控或少数其他服务的形式。雷电竞首页

Much of the time, the assistance required depends on the goal of the project: what you are trying to address such as meeting a regulation’s requirements or developing a safety program, or what you are prevent from happening such as an air emissions accidental release to the environment or an employee death from hazardous vapors. Further, if you have a new piece of equipment or a new process, you might need to determine if you need air permitting to document and control emissions into the environment and legally operate the equipment and then you might also need see if a the new activities are exposing your employees to harmful levels of contaminants. The issue is that there is not one decision tree or pathway to determine the type of air permitting required or assessment that is needed. However, air permitting and industrial hygiene assessments often overlap.




We were recently contacted by a client with an employee complaint about the dust at his facility causing breathing problems. Our consultants worked closely with the client to ensure that we fully understood the situation and ultimate project goals. We gathered all the information necessary to determine the appropriate testing and analysis that would meet the client’s needs and determined what limits or action levels our consultants would need to compare the results to. The direction of the project changed several times and required consultation with TCEQ and OSHA representatives before we could nail down a scope.



在空中允许方面,排放来源的所有者和运营商(在大多数工业设施中提供)必须符合所有适用的空气质量法规。在NSR之间,标题V,PTE,登记,许可,DE MINEIMIS,PSD,非达到,主要,合成小,真正的小,国家规则,联邦规则等,每个授权机制由各种监管雕像管辖,具有具体的合规性,技术,运营,排放和/或控制要求。此外,与化学设施和涂层操作的情况一样,除了授权之外,还有一个以上的监管法规。


这是找到合适的环境顾问的观点可能是有很大的帮助。除了帮助您了解监管适用性外,Braun Intertec还具有良好的追踪客户,以便为客户提供允许的需求,并定制它们以匹配其业务目雷竞技好Newbee赞助商标。您是否正在寻找最大的灵活性?也许您愿意为较少报告和合规性要求牺牲授权的灵活性?无论您的目标是什么,我们的顾问都可以考虑到目标,并为您提供不仅符合法规要求的选项,并为您提供所需的授权,但在可持续合规的最佳场所地位。

Before you reach out to an environmental consultant, or if you’re feeling confident and decide to DIY it, some fundamental information is needed to help facilitate the initial conversation and information is needed to make a decision on the right air pathway for your facility and operations.


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