
现在了解2021 TCEQ Stormwater的Msgp续约

德克萨斯州的环境质量委员会(TCEQ)正在更新2016年德克萨斯污染排放消除系统(TPDES)多部门发电机许可证(MSGP) - TXR050000,其在2021年8月14日到期。MSGP授权点源放电与工业活动相关的雨水和某些非雨水在该州的地表水中排出。

MSGP coverage is based upon Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes, Industrial Activity Codes, and discharges subject to federal effluent guidelines under 40 CFR Parts 400-471. Existing MSGP requirements include the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3), application submittal (Notice of Intent, NOI), sampling for pollutants with numeric effluent limits (if required), quarterly visual monitoring and inspections of controls, benchmark sampling (if required), and an MSGP Annual Report.

提出的2021 MSGP和事实表是可用for public review and comments until January 14, 2021 at 5pm CDT. A virtual public meeting will be held on January 11, 2021.


  • 适用性的SIC代码表,包括添加北美工业分类系统(NAICS)代码,以与EPA的MSGP一致,并更新了SIC代码描述,以与职业健康和安全管理局(OSHA)的描述一致。
  • 纸张申请邮戳日期后的临时覆盖将从7天更改为48小时。
  • Delegation of Signatories Letters will be submitted through STEERS.
  • Revision of Sector-Specific Numeric Effluent Limitations tables in Part V to clarify which specific SIC activities require monitoring (requiring reporting through NetDMR unless the applicant qualifies for and obtains an eReporting waiver).
  • Adjusted benchmark values based on data collected during the 2017-2019 permit years:
    • 部门T.将生物化学氧需求(BOD)的基准值降低到20mg / L至15mg / L.
    • 扇区U(SIC码2074-2079):将总悬浮固体从100mg / L降至50 mg / L.
  • Changes to Monitoring and Reporting Requirements, including clarification of how to report sampling and monitoring results under eReporting/NetDMR (benchmark, sector-specific numeric effluent limitations, hazardous metals, and pollutants of concern).
  • 额外的物品将被添加到意图通知,包括具有数值污水限制指南的扇区特定活动,征收关注的污染物和主动/非活动设施状态。
  • 新项目需要改变通知,包括工厂的变化,改变出口地点,要求在两年后停止基准监测的许可,并要求免于危险金属监测。
  • Documentation of the criteria for claiming a waiver from monitoring hazardous metals must be included in the SWP3.

点击for more on these changes and to read the draft of the MSGP. The draft MSGP specifies which facilities must obtain permit coverage, which are eligible for exclusion from permit requirements, which may be automatically authorized, and which may be required to obtain individual permit coverage, as well as application deadlines (p.98). To participate in the upcoming meeting, click这里。

If you require assistance understanding the new requirements, help posting a comment or suggestion, determining permit applicability, or need assistance in renewing your MSGP or updating your existing SWP3, please contact us. Braun Intertec has experienced stormwater professionals that can help you reach and stay in compliance.

詹妮弗亚当斯Director, Environmental Compliance & Permitting
