
避免延误!How to get a Wetland Permit



To begin with, if there is a chance that wetlands may be affected, I recommend early communication with regulatory agencies. This includes the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) who administer wetland permits nationally (清水法的第404条), and, in some areas, state and local agencies who administer state wetland-protection statutes and local ordinances.

In many cases of development or construction, it is wise to engage a wetland professional to help identify and delineate wetlands. Wetland delineation is a technical process that evaluates vegetation, soils and hydrology to document positive indicators of wetlands, determine the location of the wetland/upland boundary and describe the distribution and extent of a wetland. This step is typically followed by requesting a jurisdictional determination from the USACE and relevant state agencies. The wetland delineation must be completed在不断增长的季节when vegetation is living and soils are not frozen.

Federal law restricts dredge and fill activities in wetlands or water bodies. When development will encroach on a wetland, a USACE permit is required. Permitting can be a frustrating and time-consuming process if not managed properly. The permitting process can result in delays affecting project schedules and budgets. To facilitate efficient and successful wetland permitting, I recommend the following steps:



2. Determine if special studies are needed

In addition to a wetland delineation, other studies may be necessary for full regulatory compliance. Federal actions, such as when the USACE issues a wetland permit, must comply with the Endangered Species Act and the National Historic Preservation Act. This may require desktop or field evaluation for the presence of protected species, habitat, historic structures, or archaeological sites. In some circumstances, a detailed evaluation of wetland functions and values is needed to help define project impacts. Finally, some state and localities have regulations covering rare or unique ecosystems that may be associated with wetlands. In any of these circumstances, additional studies and approval may be needed before a wetland permit can be issued.




This step represents the most common avoidable mistake for wetland permitting for most developers. Sequencing refers to exploring ways to minimize and avoid wetland impacts during project planning. Some think that simply buying mitigation credits precludes the need for sequencing or otherwise considering alternatives. However, replacement mitigation is defined as the last step in sequencing, not the first step. Numerous wetland permit applications have been returned or rejected because the applicants did not demonstrate adequate efforts to avoid or minimize wetland impacts.


5. Submit a complete application




Once the permit is issued, the conditions should be carefully reviewed. All wetland permits have standard conditions included that prescribe Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize wetland impacts, preserve downstream water quality and restore temporary alterations. Sometimes, site-specific or project-specific conditions may apply that can affect construction techniques or schedules.

The steps outlined here are meant to optimize the chances for a smooth and efficient wetland permitting process free of surprises or unexpected delays. Every project is unique, so each may unfold differently, but these suggestions are based on our long experience in assisting clients and obtaining wetland permits. At all stages of development of a project that impacts wetlands, it may be advisable to engage a wetland professional who is familiar with delineation, mitigation and wetland permitting.

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Daniel Dejoode,Ph.D.高级科学家
