Avoid Delays! How to get a Wetland Permit

Wetlands delineation

Efficient Wetland Permitting Like clockwork, the much-awaited onset of warmer weather in northern states brings the start of construction season. Contractors are actively digging and moving dirt, and in some cases, that activity impacts wetlands. Regardless of the season or locale, I have a few tips to help successfully identify and manage impacts to wetlands and other water bodies and how to obtain a subsequent wetland permit on construction projects. To begin with, if there is a chance that wetlands may be affected, I recommend early communication with regulatory agencies. This includes the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)...

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时间的重要性a Wetland Delineation

Wetland delineation

A wetland delineation is a procedure that determines the location and extent of wetlands on a property. This is typically completed before a property can be developed due to state and federal laws that regulate fill or drainage of wetlands. The delineation evaluates and documents wetland indicators using soils, vegetation, and hydrology. The regulatory definition of a wetland pertains to sufficient soil saturation in the upper 12 inches of soil. This saturation affects soil properties as well as the types of plants that can grow, making the concept of the growing season inherent to the definition of a wetland. Poor...

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