
Employee-Owner Spotlight: Terrence Young, Construction Materials Testing Project Manager in Beaumont, Texas

We recently visited Terrence Young out on a project site and asked him about his background with Braun Intertec, why he joined the company, our culture of safety and what he’s looking for when he’s filling CMT technician roles in the Beaumont, Texas office.

Can you tell us about how long you’ve been with Braun Intertec and what attracted you to the company?
我在1月两年前开始。我有大约二十年的经验construction materials testing(CMT) and started out as a senior CMT technician when I joined the Braun Intertec team.

One of the reasons I joined Braun Intertec was because they offered me the opportunity to grow and further my career in construction materials testing. There are also opportunities to get into nondestructive examination (NDE) or other types of testing because Braun Intertec offers so many different services in德克萨斯州。除了你想去的地方,该领域很广泛。我希望扩大我的职业生涯,因为我以前的角色没有提供同样的增长机会。

Another thing that drew me to the company was the leadership at the Beaumont Braun Intertec office. I had worked with this group before, so I knew the team had good people who cared about their employees. Just by the company’s local leadership choices alone, it was clear that Braun Intertec prioritized getting some of the best in the field.

我以为这是令人印象深刻的,布劳恩Intertec是一家esop公司雷竞技好Newbee赞助商。我从未与一家公司合作,您不仅是员工,而且还有一个员工所有者 - 我真的很喜欢这种所有权。它让它感觉像我的公司,你正在建立有意义的东西。我希望能够看到我们能够成长和推进一家公司的距离。

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商布劳恩Intertec对此相对较新Beaumont,德克萨斯州地区 - 我们只在这里大约两到三年,随着这里的所有扩张,我们的可能性是无限的。

What do you like best about being a project manager at Braun Intertec?
What I like best is the simple fact that I can pass on my years of knowledge and experience. I want to be able to help someone get to where I’m at right now in my career, where they feel the same level of ownership that I feel. Nine times out of 10 you can read a book and pass the test — but to have gained the right experience along with that? That will take you so much further in your career.


I look for field technicians who are responsible—not only responsible but someone who is a go-getter and wants to go to the next level.

One of the most important things I learned a long time ago was, you can be a big fish in a small pond and never grow要么you can be a small fish in a big pond and be able to grow even more. In this industry, I still feel like a small fish and I want to be able to grow and expand. That’s the same thing I’m looking for in an entry-level technician. I want them to understand you can grow as much as you want but that’s an aspiration they have bring with them, that desire, that goal, that drive to promote themselves and the Braun Intertec brand.

What are your favorite kind of projects to work on and why?

How does safety factor into your day-to-day work on industrial projects?
随着Bra雷竞技好Newbee赞助商un Intertec,安全不仅仅是一个概念,这是一种文化。这是一种你需要适应的文化,它不仅仅是为了保持我们的TRIR号码。我担心那些可能受伤的人。我们可以做些什么来确保他们安全地做事,所以将来不会受伤。人们有家人,朋友和亲人。如果他们受伤,它会影响他们的家庭和更大的社区。安全就是一切!

过去几年的安全变得更加强烈,但强度是确保没有人受伤。这总是我们的头号目标。Even if our colleagues in the field from other companies aren’t following strict safety guidelines on a project, as Braun Intertec employees, we always show up in full personal protective equipment (PPE), use every tool at our disposal and follow the guidelines we set as a company every time.