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George Ellswick加入德克萨斯州雷竞技好Newbee赞助商La Porte的Braun Intertec作为项目经理


明尼苏达州,明尼苏达州 -2019年7月10日

Braun Intertec的项目经理George Ellswick雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec是一个基于明尼阿波利斯的工程,咨询和测试公司,与整个美国的办事处,很高兴地宣布乔治埃利斯克斯·德克萨斯州德克萨斯州办事处加入其La Porte作为项目经理。Ellswick在德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的大规模项目上进行了广泛的背景,以其在石化行业的专业知识中闻名。

“我很高兴乔治加入了我们的员工业主团队,”Jon Carlson jon Carlson·斯卡尔森雷竞技好Newbee赞助商“他在德克萨斯石化行业的令人印象深刻的背景和声誉将进一步提高我们为广岛海岸客户提供优质服务的能力。”

Ellswick加入布劳恩In雷竞技好Newbee赞助商tertec tec占有较大比重hnical expertise in deep foundations testing and inspection services, including auger cast piles and displacement piles. Most recently, Ellswick served as a field services manager at a Houston-based engineering firm where he supervised many high-profile commercial and petrochemical projects in the region.

Braun Intertec的16个社区的办公室还提供了各种特种服务,包括:深基础设计和测雷竞技好Newbee赞助商试,建筑科学,非破坏性检查,结构评估,钻孔和锥形渗透测试(CPT),地理空间和雷电竞首页无人驾驶飞行器服务。雷电竞首页

About Braun Intertec
Based in Minneapolis, employee-owned Braun Intertec (www.www.cnsamit.com) is a premier engineering, environmental consulting and testing firm with more than 1,000 employees located in Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Braun Intertec also owns Agile Frameworks, LLC, a subsidiary of Braun Intertec based in Minneapolis and W&M Environmental, a division of Braun Intertec based in Plano, TX.
