
NEPA Environmental Review and Environmental Assessment

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Commonly termed environmental review, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and similar legislation enacted in several states has complex and far-reaching effects on the governmental approval of proposed projects subject to NEPA and related rules. We are experienced in the unique requirements of coordinating and handling federal and state agencies throughout the review and all levels of analysis. Recognition and understanding of the proposed project action in the context of the environmental review process and environmental permitting requirements is vital to developing realistic environmental review time frames and anticipated costs.

Environmental review can involve three levels of analysis:

  1. 分类排除确定(Catex):A federal action may be excluded from detailed environmental analysis if the federal action does not have a significant impact on the human environment.
  2. Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI):If the action is not excluded, then the federal agency will prepare an environmental assessment (EA). The EA determines whether a federal action has potential to cause significant environmental effects.
  3. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS):If the two processes above are not sufficient to address the proposed impacts by the project, an EIS is prepared. Details included in EIS are more robust and granular than the EA.

NEPA requires prospective environmental impact to be disclosed before beginning a project, so decision-makers are fully aware of environmental impact.



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