
NEPA Rule Changes

Enacted in 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies to engage in a review process to assess the environmental impacts of proposed federal actions, include appropriate disclosure to the public, and be responsive to these factors before making a decision. This process can apply for a variety of projects, including the development of roads, bridges, oil and gas pipelines, energy projects, broadband infrastructure, and water infrastructure, as well as impact forest management and wildfire protection. Environmental review under NEPA applies to federal projects as well as private projects if federal action is involved such as issuance...


From Planning to Reality: Delivering and Constructing Transportation Projects



领导Spotlight with Jackie Dylla: Vice President and Principal Scientist

We recently spoke with Jackie Dylla to learn more about her new role as Vice President and Principal Scientist leader in the environmental group. We asked her about her background, her approach to problem-solving, and advice to those just starting their career. What is your current role at Braun Intertec? I am a Vice President and Principal Scientist leader in the Upper Midwest environmental group in charge of growing and delivering on transportation projects. Currently, I supervise a staff of ten employee-owners who almost exclusively work on transportation and other corridor-type projects. I also serve as a leader/technical for environmental...


领导Spotlight with Scott Mackiewicz, Vice President, Heavy Rail Market Lead

我们最近采访了斯科特Mackiewicz学习more about his new role as Vice President and Heavy Rail lead. We asked him about his background, what he enjoys about working at Braun Intertec and his new role, and his advice for those just starting their career. What is your current role at Braun Intertec? Currently, I am a Vice President and leader of the Braun Intertec national Heavy Rail group. We provide engineering and construction management services to Class 1 and short line railroads across the western portion of the United States, all the way from Illinois to Montana...


领导Spotlight: Charles Cadenhead, Vice President, Transportation Market Lead

我们最近与Charles Cadenhead发言,以了解他作为我们交通市场副总裁兼领导人的新角色。我们向他询问了他的背景,他喜欢在他的新角色在布劳恩Intertec工作的内容,以及他对刚开始职业生涯的建议。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商您现在在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?我雷竞技好Newbee赞助商是我们的运输市场的副总裁和领导,这意味着我负责与本组织的客户和专业人士合作,以发展运输项目和我们的运输业务。我与斯科特·贝尔斯顿密切合作,我们的高级副主席......


Bob Janssen收到明尼苏达州县的朋友

如上所述:华盛顿县唐的Theisen公共工程总监,Braun Intertec总裁兼首席工程师Bob Janssen。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Congratulations to Bob Janssen, President of Braun Intertec, for receiving the “Friend of Minnesota Counties Award” from the Minnesota County Engineers Association (MCEA), an association of county engineers from each of Minnesota’s 87 counties who work to promote their profession and uphold the engineering code of ethics. The "Friend of Minnesota Counties Award" is presented at the MCEA Annual Banquet to an individual who upholds the engineering code of ethics and has served Minnesota counties with excellence in supporting transportation endeavors...


Charles Cadenhead, PE Joins Braun Intertec as Minnesota Transportation Division Director

Braun Intertec is pleased to announce that Charles Cadenhead, PE has joined our team as Principal and Minnesota Transportation Division Director. Leading our Minnesota transportation operations, Charles will assist with quality initiatives, including transportation-related construction services, as well as business development pursuits related to transportation in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. Charles brings 25 years of experience in all aspects of transportation engineering, including planning, design, construction, and maintenance. With significant experience as both an engineer and construction manager for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Charles provides unique insight to Minnesota’s transportation needs. Most recently, Charles served as the Associate...


National Safety Month: Safe Driving Tips in Work Zones



Amal Dutta, MBA, Ph.D. Joins Braun Intertec in Texas City, Texas

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec,一个工程,咨询和测试公司,与美国中部地区的办事处,很高兴地宣布MBA,博士,PE已加入我们的德克萨斯州德克萨斯州德克萨斯州办事处作为主要的岩土工程师。雷竞技的电竞比分网DUTTA带来了20多年的多学科地理工程领域的领导和工程经验,包括岩土工程设计和咨询实践,地质勘探,采矿,地球物理和地震数据分析。雷竞技的电竞比分网“我们很高兴欢迎您对我们越来越多的Braun Intertec团队欢迎Amal,”Braun 雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Intertec首席执行官Jon Carlson说。“随着他在交通工具,工业,石化,商业广播公司的岩土工业调查方面的丰富雷竞技的电竞比分网经验


In the Field: Revamping I-35W

在明尼阿波利斯/圣。保罗地区,市中心明尼阿波利斯和湖维尔之间的I-35W走廊是最严重的旅行,每天提供约20万辆。它也是明尼苏达州最繁忙的过境走廊之一,每天提供约15,000辆巴士骑车者。明尼苏达州的交通部(MNDOT)最近开始了一个为期四年的项目来改善九巷动脉,立即在明尼阿波利斯南部。为了按计划保留项目,委员会允许承包商(AMES / Lunda / Shafer合资)10月初全周末关闭。承包商保留周末,以获得复杂和时间敏感的工作活动,......
